Rehabilitation Note 06
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Smart phone, Computer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a wrist disease occurring on the carpal tunnel through
which the tendon of the finger and the median nerve pass.
Frequent wrist use increases the pressure in the passageway and narrows
the tunnel and causes pain. This puts pressure on the median nerve and causes pain
and numbness in the wrist.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common disease which occurs in 1 to 2 people out of 1,000,
and it is about 50% or more likelihood that anyone will get this disease in their lifetime.
About 75% of patients are female, three times more likely than male.
This can be attributed to a common disease among housewives who often do housework.
In terms of age distribution, there are many patients in their 50s to 60s.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is common to be seen by housewives who often do housework,
Workers who use their wrists a lot. It is more likely to occur in people who exercise
frequently using their wrists. Frequent use of the wrist and fingers is the cause of this disease.
Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome
1. mop weaving, Housewives who frequently use their wrists, such as washing dishes
2. Older people with degenerative changes
3. Obesity due to sudden weight gain
4. Pregnancy, diabetes, Inflammatory patients
5. Patient with narrowed thumb tunnel due to wrist fracture

Carpal tunnel syndrome pain is worse at night than in the morning.
It may be accompanied by pain and swelling, Numbness is common. In the early stages,
the symptoms are mild, so it is often overlooked. However, when symptoms appear,
early treatment and prevention can help overcome them.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling pain and numbness in the wrist and fingers.
Abnormal sensations such as the entire hand may also appear.
Later, if the symptoms worsen, the strength of the wrist weakens, it can make it difficult to use your wrist.

Self-check self- diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
1. The fingertips are tingling, numb, or painful.
2. At night, the pain intensifies, it is relieved by kneading or brushing.
3. Wrist stiffness or convulsions in the morning.
4. Difficulty in buttoning or delicate hand movements.
5. Reduced grip strength, frequent drops of objects, and reduced grip strength.
If any of the above apply to you, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Phalen Test
Bend both wrists and place the backs of your hands together. If you feel pain or numbness
in your hand after 1 minute of pressure, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.

Prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome
Frequent use of the wrist (housewife, Office workers, athlete) People are always vigilant and
use their wrists because they have the highest incidence.
It is important to take a break after using your wrist to avoid straining your wrist.
1. Stretch your fingers alternately up and down
2. Wearing a wrist strap
3. Using the wrist rest
4. Take adequate rest after using your wrist

rebless helps the wrist joint to become more flexible. of carpal tunnel syndrome
Prevent and rehabilitate together with rebless.

Rehabilitation Note 06
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Smart phone, Computer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a wrist disease occurring on the carpal tunnel through
which the tendon of the finger and the median nerve pass.
Frequent wrist use increases the pressure in the passageway and narrows
the tunnel and causes pain. This puts pressure on the median nerve and causes pain
and numbness in the wrist.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common disease which occurs in 1 to 2 people out of 1,000,
and it is about 50% or more likelihood that anyone will get this disease in their lifetime.
About 75% of patients are female, three times more likely than male.
This can be attributed to a common disease among housewives who often do housework.
In terms of age distribution, there are many patients in their 50s to 60s.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is common to be seen by housewives who often do housework,
Workers who use their wrists a lot. It is more likely to occur in people who exercise
frequently using their wrists. Frequent use of the wrist and fingers is the cause of this disease.
Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome
1. mop weaving, Housewives who frequently use their wrists, such as washing dishes
2. Older people with degenerative changes
3. Obesity due to sudden weight gain
4. Pregnancy, diabetes, Inflammatory patients
5. Patient with narrowed thumb tunnel due to wrist fracture
Carpal tunnel syndrome pain is worse at night than in the morning.
It may be accompanied by pain and swelling, Numbness is common. In the early stages,
the symptoms are mild, so it is often overlooked. However, when symptoms appear,
early treatment and prevention can help overcome them.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling pain and numbness in the wrist and fingers.
Abnormal sensations such as the entire hand may also appear.
Later, if the symptoms worsen, the strength of the wrist weakens, it can make it difficult to use your wrist.
Self-check self- diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
1. The fingertips are tingling, numb, or painful.
2. At night, the pain intensifies, it is relieved by kneading or brushing.
3. Wrist stiffness or convulsions in the morning.
4. Difficulty in buttoning or delicate hand movements.
5. Reduced grip strength, frequent drops of objects, and reduced grip strength.
If any of the above apply to you, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Phalen Test
Bend both wrists and place the backs of your hands together. If you feel pain or numbness
in your hand after 1 minute of pressure, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome.
Prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome
Frequent use of the wrist (housewife, Office workers, athlete) People are always vigilant and
use their wrists because they have the highest incidence.
It is important to take a break after using your wrist to avoid straining your wrist.
1. Stretch your fingers alternately up and down
2. Wearing a wrist strap
3. Using the wrist rest
4. Take adequate rest after using your wrist
rebless helps the wrist joint to become more flexible. of carpal tunnel syndrome
Prevent and rehabilitate together with rebless.