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A silent killer, cerebral hemorrhage.

25 Oct 2022
Views 949


Rehabilitation Note 05

cerebral hemorrhage?

life-threatening disease, cerebral hemorrhage

cerebral hemorrhage is one of the types of stroke.

It is a cerebrovascular disorder caused by bleeding in the brain's blood vessels.

Cerebral hemorrhage can be divided into two main types.

First, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and second, Parenchymal hemorrhage.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

rupture of blood vessels outside the brain means.

The space between the meninges' innermost and the arachnoid

is called the arachnoid. In that space, the aneurysm in the brain is damaged,

bleeding occurs, and pressure in the brain rises.

It is accompanied by headache and nausea and vomiting.

Parenchymal hemorrhage

brain It means that the blood vessels inside burst spontaneously.

Bleeding blood that overflows and compresses the brain is mainly

caused by high blood pressure.

Many people suddenly lose consciousness and collapse and die.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

rupture of blood vessels outside the brain means.

The space between the meninges' innermost and the arachnoid is called the arachnoid.

In that space, the aneurysm in the brain is damaged, bleeding occurs,

and pressure in the brain rises. It is accompanied by headache and nausea and vomiting.

Parenchymal hemorrhage

brain It means that the blood vessels inside burst spontaneously.

Bleeding blood that overflows and compresses the brain is mainly caused by high blood

pressure. Many people suddenly lose consciousness and collapse and die.

Foods that are good for cerebral hemorrhage

1. Blue-backed Fish: It is rich in omega 3 and is excellent for improving blood health.

2. Seaweed: It is good for the excretion of lipids and sugars from blood vessels in the body.

3. Avocado: Rich in minerals and omega 3, it keeps blood vessels healthy.

4. Tomatoes: By inducing antioxidant action, it prevents oxidation of blood

vessels and helps improve cholesterol levels.

cerebral hemorrhage, Both traumatic and spontaneous are unavoidable diseases

that can strike anytime, anywhere. Even if you suffer from a brain hemorrhagic disease,

it is a disease that can be recovered if you make steady efforts to recover.

among them One is rehabilitation. cerebral hemorrhage It can cause paralysis

in the arms and legs.

Golden Time for Rehabilitation Treatment

need to be transported to the hospital as soon as possible,

there is a golden time for rehabilitation after surgery .

Usually 3 to 6 months is as long as 1 year.

During this period, if you work hard on rehabilitation treatment and rehabilitation exercises,

the recovery speed is much faster and the remaining functions can be maximized.

Usually, when brain hemorrhage occurs, movement disorders including

paralysis of limbs occur. Among them, in the case of hemiplegia,

spastic hemiplegia and flaccid hemiplegia Hemiplegia can come in two forms.

For both of these, consistent and repetitive rehabilitation exercises are important.

ankylosing hemiplegia

Stiffness appears. At this time, it is important to prevent further hardening and to soften the muscles through joint movement and stretching in the hardened area.

flaccid hemiplegia

droopy limb movements It is important to create. Since there is no force in the arms and legs, it is necessary to provide continuous external stimulation to revive the senses.

Rehabilitation is slow and steady It is important to increase the amount of exercise.

rebless helps you to do regular rehabilitation exercises at home.

elbow, wrist, Ankle, Do exercises for 4 joints up to the knee with one single device.

have any questions about rebless, please call 1644-7910  

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